A thousand days since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
This is a statement published on The Daily Star by the high commissioners and ambassadors of 13 countries, including the UK, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Australia, Sweden, France, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Canada and European Union calling for peace in Ukraine. 1,000 days ago today, Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s continuing assault […]
Read moreDoing Business in Bangladesh
We are pleased to present the guide “Doing Business in Bangladesh” edited by ICE for Italian companies interested in expanding their activities in Bangladesh and three new sector reports dedicated to textiles, ceramics and exports of Italian food products. Reports can be obtained, by registering, on the page, https://www.ice.it/it/area-clienti/ricerche/note-informative-mercati/pubblicazione/dettaglio/24003 For more information, please refer to […]
Read moreImportant news for work visa applicant
COMMUNIQUE The Embassy of Italy wishes to inform Italian work visa applicants and appointment seekers of the following. Due to the high number of false and counterfeit documents, the Italian Government has suspended the validity of all “Nulla Osta” (work authorizations) released in favour of citizens of some countries, including Bangladesh, until due verification is […]
Read moreAssunzione per un impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi Collaboratore Amministrativo nel settore consolare.
L’Ambasciata d’italia in Dhaka ha pubblicato un avviso di assunzione per un impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi Collaboratore Amministrativo nel settore consolare. Il relativo bando e la domanda di partecipazione è reperibile all’indirizzo: https://ambdhaka.esteri.it/it/amministrazione-trasparente/bandi-di-concorso/ Le domande dovranno pervenire entro il 14 novembre 2024. I candidati risultati idonei alla partecipazione riceveranno successivamente informazioni circa […]
Read moreEmbassy’s processing of outstanding Work Visa Applications
press communique 03 October 2024 With reference to the demonstration that some work visa applicants are planning to organize on 7th October 2024, the Embassy of Italy would like to recall its previous press release of 09 September as well as the joint statement with MOFA of 11th September, and clarify the following. Important steps […]
Read moreItalian Premier Meloni meets with Chief Adviser Prof. Yunus in the margins of UNGA in New York
In the margins of the high-level week of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met today with the Head of the Interim Government of Bangladesh, Prof. Muhammad Yunus. During the meeting, President Meloni expressed Italy’s support for the reform process in Bangladesh and the main goal […]
Read morePRESS RELEASE: Meeting with representatives of work visa applicants on 09.09.24
PRESS RELEASE: Meeting with representatives of work visa applicants on 09.09.24
Read moreErogazione di contributi a soggetti privati per finalita’ di mantenimento della pace e della sicurezza internazionale e di attuazione di iniziative umanitarie e di tutela dei diritti umani
Per consentire la partecipazione italiana ad iniziative di pace ed umanitarie in sede internazionale, il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e’ autorizzato, ai sensi dell’art. 23 Ter DPR 18/1967, comma 2, a concedere contributi ad iniziative proposte da soggetti privati italiani e stranieri, previa procedura pubblica, nel rispetto dei principi di trasparenza […]
Read moreRecruitment Notice
With reference to the recruitment notice published on the 8th of February 2024,we inform you that the procedure has been revoked. A specific communication was sent to all those who had submitted a valid application for participation. We invite you to follow our website for future hiring procedures.
FINAL RANKING OF SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED BY THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-2025 IN BANGLADESH. 1) 1000022187 WINNER 2) 1000017756 WINNER 3) 1000005143 WINNER 4) 1000016577 WINNER 5) 1000029913 WINNER 6) 1000004672 WINNER 7) 1000027981 RESERVE 8) 1000020978 RESERVE 9) 1000013235 RESERVE 10) 1000031736 RESERVE 11) 1000005620 RESERVE Link – Final Ranking
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