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XXI Edition of the Week of Italian Language – Press Release

To mark the XXI edition of the Week of Italian Language in the World, dedicated to the “Supreme Poet”, Dante Alighieri, on the anniversary of 700 years of his death, the Embassy of Italy in collaboration with the Institute of Modern Language of Dhaka University, is glad to inform that a virtual exhibition ” Dante Plus 700″ will be launched during the workshop “Dante 700” dedicated to the “Father of the Italian Language” which will take place at the Institute of Modern Languages of Dhaka University on 21st October 2021.

The Week of the Italian Language in the World is an event promoted by the Italian cultural and diplomatic network every year in the third week of October around a theme that acts as a leitmotif for the organization of a vast cultural program focused on the dissemination of the Italian language.

The XXI edition is honouring Dante Alighieri – who died in exile from Florence on September 13, 1321 – in myriad ways including exhibits, dramatic readings, seminars and concerts all over the world.

“Dante plus 700” is a collective exhibition of a group of artists trying to give a new identity to the Poet Dante Alighieri through illustrations, comics and street art.

All information on this event will be available on the web site of the Embassy of Italy in Dhaka and its social networks. On portal will be possible to follow all other events organized within the program “Dante 700 nel mondo”.