The Embassy of Italy informs that the migration flow decree 2021, fixing entry quotas for extraEU workers, has been issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic on 21 December 2021 and it has been published on the Official Gazette on 17 January 2022. The applications from the employers in Italy for obtaining work permits (Nulla Osta) for the salaried workers (seasonal or not seasonal) and the requests for self-employment permits can be filed to the competent authorities in Italy from 9 a.m. of 1st February till 17th march 2022. For more information and related procedures please check the web site, as well as those of the Italian Miniistry of Interior and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
The total quota of entries to Italy for work is 69.700 (it was 30.850 in 2020):
27.700 salaried workers employed in transportation for third parts, construction industry, tourism and hospitality (art. 2);
42.000 salaried seasonal workers employed in agriculture, tourism and hospitality sectors (art.6); 1.000 of 42.000 seasonal work permits will be issued to workers who have already entered Italy at least once during the past 5 years for subordinate seasonal work, if the employer applies for a multi-annual permit, and if the worker has respected the conditions of the stay permit and has returned in the country of origin at the expire date of the visa. In such cases the worker can obtain a multi-annual seasonal work visa. 14.000 permits among the total quota for seasonal work are released to seasonal workers whose applications have been filed by some professional organizations like Cia, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Copagri, Alleanza delle cooperative, etc..
The quota of 27.000 workers (art. 2) includes 17.000 workers from a list of countries, including Bangladesh.
The decree allows to convert 7.000 stay permits from the following categories into residence permits for subordinate or autonomous work:
4.400 stay permits from salaried seasonal workers
2.370 stay permits from study, internship and/or professional training
(230 EU stay permits for long term stays)
500 permits for self-employment of extra-EU citizens as entrepreneurs, freelancers, artists, employed by public or private bodies, and startup.
For the request of work visas applicants resident in Bangladesh must apply to the Embassy of Italy in Dhaka (through the VFS) please check
The Embassy of Italy invites all applicants to be aware of fraudulent activities of some brokers which promise visas in exchange of money by claiming contacts inside the Embassy.
Such frauds are related also to visas for seasonal and not seasonal work. The visa Section has already detected hundreds of fake documents both for requests of visas for work or for study and it has rejected them. All issued work permits (Nulla Osta) for salaried employment (seasonal and not seasonal ) are available electronically in L-VIS system of this Embassy of Italy in Dhaka and related visas are issued only if the Nulla Osta is present in the L-VIS system. The cost of a national visa (91 up to 365 days) is 116 Euros and the cost of the service of VFS is 2850 taka which are the only administrative costs which must be borne by the visa applicant. The administrative costs borne by the employer in Italy to send the request of the work permit (Nulla Osta) and to collect it after its issuance are only two revenue stamps of 16 Euro each.
A general notice on such frauds had been already published on the web site of this Embassy and that of the VFS as well as in all bulletin boards of both offices.